VISTools Documentation

Creating a Digital Twin of the Belgian Fleet

Welcome to the VISTools documentation website, also known as the Iliad North Sea Fisheries Pilot! If you’re interested in setting up a Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTO) for automatic, real-time data collection on fishing vessels and leveraging this data to develop services and tools, you’re in the right place!

This website will guide you through the entire process—from stakeholder engagement and trust-building to data visualization and the development of predictive models. The insights provided here are based on our experiences with the Belgian fleet and are intended as flexible guidelines rather than strict rules. We encourage you to adapt these practices to fit your local context.

We hope the information you find here inspires you to embark on your own DTO journey. Once you’ve created your DTO, don’t hesitate to share it with the world by listing it in the Iliad Marketplace!